Exercise and mitochondrial dysfunction
Link between heavy prolonged exercise, health and biomarkers of mitochondrial function in athletic population
As part of our project Novel Biomarkers of Fatigue and Mitochondrial Dysfunction, supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research (Grant No. 114-451-710), our team starts to evaluate a possible connection between the prevalence of participant-reported indicators of health and chronic fatigue, and biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction in a cohort of athletic man and women who participate in extensive sports training over the years.
This study will help us to better understand does regular exercise of large volume (such as long-term strenuous athletic training) still yields health benefits and perhaps to set up an upper-end exercise volume threshold above which exercise becomes more hazardous in terms of health. Previous studies suggested that extremely strenuous or exhaustive chronic exercise could foster mitochondrial disturbances that could permanently damage its function and general health.