Carnosine for multiple sclerosis
Kick-off for an interventional trial with oral carnosine in multiple sclerosis
This week, we have started a new interventional trial, evaluating the efficacy and safety of oral carnosine in patients with multiple sclerosis. During the next few months, we will evaluate does oral carnosine affect markers of brain bioenergetics and brain carnosine, neuromuscular performance, clinical chemistry, and several patient-reported outcomes in a small group of patients suffering from this complex disease.
Among other factors, it appears that low levels of tissue carnosine and mitochondrial dysfunction accompany multiple sclerosis, with oral carnosine might be applicable to tackle impaired bioenergetics and oxidative stress in the disease, and perhaps win back neuromuscular function. This trial is registered at (NCT03995810) and is partly supported by CarnoMed.