2020 Annual Nutrition Science Meeting
Seattle turns into ONLINE
The American Society for Nutrition cancelled its in-person meeting, NUTRITION 2020, following escalating concerns regarding COVID-19. However, the ASN reinvents NUTRITION 2020 as a live online virtual meeting that is going to be organized from June 1 to June 4, delivering four days of lectures, scientific sessions, satellite programs, virtual abstract presentations and exhibits, panel discussions, live Q&A and interaction. Our team presents a case study at this flagship meeting, reporting the beneficial effects of L-carnosine on neuromuscular performance, brain metabolism, and various patient- and clinician-reported outcomes in patients with multiple sclerosis. Check the site of this world-leading conference (https://meeting.nutrition.org/) to see many interesting studies in the field of nutrition and dietetics. Our work is also published by the journal Current Developments in Nutrition and is available here.